Sarea IoT Platform

A web based high-performance Device Management & Data Integration IoT Platform.
• Provide market ready solutions and API integration with third-party systems for fleet management, energy, street lighting, and health applications...etc
• Automate data processing, device control, and alarm notifications with rules engine
• Visualize real-time and historical data with dashboards and reports.
• Collect sensor data and remote device management (real-time monitoring and updates)
• Support multiple IoT gateways and offer customized device integration based on customer needs
Integration • Gateway SDK / firmware development and design
• Integration of sensors and endpoint devices
Device Enrollment • Batch Enrollment
• Single device enrollment
• Customized process development
Remote Management • Endpoint device status and sensor data collection
• Control of endpoint devices (reboot, motor start, etc.)
• Hardware Monitor
• OOB (Out-of-Band Management)
Device Update (OTA) • File, Software, Firmware, OS Update
• Update status monitor
Data Integration • 3rd party integration (REST API)
Rules Engine • Threshold Alerts based on sensor/terminal device values
• No Code / Low Code configuring trigger conditions and actions
• Notification via email, SMS, or communication software.
Data Visualization • Support Grafana
• Customized Dashboard
• Simple Widget